After touring the world as a dancer, Abou Lagraa and his company La Baraka opened a space dedicated to contemporary dance in a desecrated chapel in Annonay, his hometown.
Over the months, the film draws a constant back-and-forth between the portrait of an artist at work and the daily chronicle of the chapel where he and his wife Nawal bring together different audiences in their workshops.
On the one hand, the film follows and deciphers the creative process; on the other, it helps us understand Abou’s commitment to the city, and the desire to pass on his work.
un film écrit parChristophe Acker et Fleur AlbertimageNicolas Berteyac, Emmanuel Théry, Benoit Chamaillard, Thomas Walserréalisé parFleur AlbertproductionLes Films du Sillageavec la participation deFrance 3 National "Heure D", France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, CNC, la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Procirep-Angoaannée2019durée52'