Sylvie Brenet, producer at Elzévir et Compagnie
In the name of tradition, thousands of women are hidden, traded, mutilated, dominated, disenfranchised or abused every day. Some have decided to rebel and take action to reverse this tragic trend. In India, Ranjana Kumari fights against the elimination of girls, while in Mali, Kadidia Sidibé fights against excision. Siriporn Skrobanek and Khun Nee have mobilized against sexual slavery in Thailand. In Turkey, Nebahat Akkoç targets honor killings, and in France, the “L’Escale” association tackles domestic violence. They tell us about their struggle.
un film deEric Guéret et Frédérique MenantcoproductionElzévir et Cie, Elzévir Films, Canal+avec la participation deProcirep-Angoa, ACSEdistributionBlaq Outannée2013durée105'