In August 1944, in the chaotic atmosphere of the Liberation, American GIs committed rape and murder against French civilians. The American army set up a court martial to try them. Almost by chance, it hires writer Louis Guilloux as an interpreter. Little by little, the novelist discovered that only African-American soldiers were sentenced, often to death. He recounts this in a short story: “O.k.,Joe!
By confronting his story with historical reality and the memories of witnesses and descendants, this documentary reveals several taboos of the 2nd World War: the exactions of the US army towards civilian populations, the rape of women, racial segregation, the cruel and selective punishments it inflicted on its black soldiers. The film recounts a little-known facet of the 2nd World War.
un film dePhilippe BaronproductionLes Films du SillagecoproductionFrance Télévisions - France 3 Bretagne, Le Com Bretagne. Avec la participation de LCP-Assemblée nationale avec la participation dedu CNC, de la Région Bretagne, de la Procirep-Angoa, du Conseil Départemental des Côtes d'Armor, la Ville de Saint-BrieucdistributionLes Films du Sillageannée2023durée52'